Thursday, September 27, 2012

What happened to the "The Word of Islam!"

Those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs are the doers of excellence.
Prophet Muhammad

             The Muslim Religion similar to Christianity in the sense that it is monotheistic religion, believes that God is the ultimate and all powerful deity. Both religion teach compassion, love, tolerance and respect of all life whether it is an animal or human.  I don't think that killing innocent people because of a movie depicting Mohammad in a comical or derogatory way, justify the act of violence. What would the prophet Mohammad say today, if he viewed the distorted behavior that some people of Islam are implementing in the word of the Qur'an. I am sadden that religion of Islam in the middle east, is deliberately being use to distort the true meaning of what God would have wanted. I myself am an atheist. I am catholic by birth.  I had done my confirmation and communion as a child.   I grew up in the faith and was exposed to all that was in the Bible from the story of Abraham to Moses and the story of Jesus dying on the crucifix for our sins. One of the commandments was "Thou Shalt Not Kill" But as I got older, I came to realize that many of the stories told to me just didn't make any sense. Even though I am an Atheist, I couldn't hurt anyone or anything or treat any one different from how I want to be treated. I love people. There cultural uniqueness is a testament of our ingenuity and creativity that has created our world.   I have been told in order to understand I need to have faith. Having faith would open my mind to the sacrifices of  Jesus and the word of God.  However, what bothered me is that man have told me to have faith and to believe in the word of the Bible that was written by man.

            Through the centuries the bible has been translated over and over again and no one seems to think that maybe these translation are inaccurate. Needless to say, I finally came to the conclusion that religion was a necessity to quell and control the masses from doing unspeakable evil in the world. However in history Religion was one of the many causes of deaths than the black plague.  Why can't all races understand that we are a one people, that we need one another. The destruction and genocide of a ethnic group is the greatest disrespect to the world and most importantly a great injustice to ourselves.  It defies the teachings of the profit Mohammad and Jesus Christ.  If our world got passed our differences and united as one entity, instead of  oppressing racial differences our possibilities are endless. Every time. I open a newspaper or turn on the television, I hear how people are killing one another for the most stupidest reasons. Just like the senseless death of 4 Americans in the embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Who will be responsible for their deaths? I wonder what the families are going through right now. It was wrong to use the teaching of Islam to justify murder. So it has been confirmed to me that religion is a tool used by infidels to teach hate, intolerance to incite chaos and destruction.  Instead these so called Muslim radicals  hide behind the word of Islam to justify their murderous ways.  I believe that the human race possesses the ability to be good or evil.  It is up to us to decide which path to take. It's unfortunate that they're those who choose the latter.

             Religion really hasn't done anything to stop the spread of evil that man does to each other, to animals and to the world and its environment. I can't condone the acts of violence when religion speaks of tolerance and understanding. I see nothing but death in the name of God and religion... Throughout history such as the crusades of  Ancient times when Catholicism was at its highest and the Church controlled and influenced Kings and Governments. They cut a path of destruction throughout the countries trying to convert others in the Catholic faith and if conversion wasn't possible people were exterminated and consider infidels. From childhood in the middle east some are taught to hate Americans and others that don't conform to their beliefs and religion. Those Americans that were killed in the name of Allah and the Muslim religion has confirm to me that people  use or hide behind the religion to justify killing innocent people. Now, I ask you again, Did those Americans really need to die?  Thoughts weren't in the families that will miss them. Did they even think of God when they killed them? It was an act of hate and intolerance. I don't believe in a  religion that tells young boys that when they die they will have a harem of women to fornicate with. I don't believe in a religion that will allow innocent boys and people to commit suicide in the name of religion. Those that twist and brainwash these children are cowards and use the innocent simply to do their bidding while they hide behind them.  I am outraged at this development. Today it only enforces the hate that some American have against American Muslim in the United States. I am so ashamed that people  from America would treat out fellow middle eastern  Americans  of the United States in the same category  as those in the far east. We need to end this stupidity before  it is to  late. People have the right to say and do what they want within the limits of the law. Freedom of speech is one of them. Who are we to say that they can't express  themselves without being judged.

             Inspire to love one another, give thanks for life and the beauty that we possess in the world. We are a unique species with great potential. The only way we will get passed all of this suffering is to work together and create a world where our children of the future can lift their heads up high and say that we protected our legacy and made it available to them. With a little inspiration and love anything is possible. I know that time of darkness hopes are few in between, but for every tragedy comes some kind of light that will illuminate our path and everything will be as it should.  Stand up to injustice, fight for the destitute, protect one another, care for our world and all life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Inspirational: The Venus Project, Jacque Fresco

Jacque Fresco 
 Jacque Fresco " A Visionary"

This is truly an inspirational individual. Jacque Fresco believes that the current system of money is slowly destroying our world. Adding to this frustration is the inadequacies that money provides that are now being felt throughout the world. With the crisis in Europe that is hindering our society all over the world and etc, no one has acknowledged that the use of currency is what is destroying our economy.  Jacque Fresco is an individual who viewed things differently, he lived through the great depression and saw first hand what the economy was and the suffering of the masses in the 1920's great depression.  Mr. Fresco stated that in the time of the great depression their were an abundance of food, but because some people didn't have money or couldn't find work, they'd starve because they couldn't purchase food to feed themselves or their families. So Jacque Fresco's, envisioned the Venus Project which offers an  ideal plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology and nature will be able to coexist in a long term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium. This this video out:

The inspirational video just viewed has a positive ideology that would definitely work, only if our government can get on board. The necessity to change is of the utmost important, but what keeps humanity from progressing and living in a sustainable society are those individuals who have lots of money and whom have control of our society and will do what ever it take to keep the status quo. In our mass-media to read and to hear commentators talk about the number of social problems that face us today, such as global warming, destruction of Earth's environment, unemployment, crime, violence, poverty, hunger, and the population explosion. Yet, how often do we hear of workable plans for alleviating many of these social problems? It is relatively simple for people to criticize society, however it's much more difficult to identify and implement plans to resolve the problems. If humanity get together to address these inadequacies of monetary system we can end poverty, suffering, starvation and etc. Our environment would benefit, animals would thrive and all of the current situation that have to do over resources would be a thing of the past. Our government and society can't get passed the monetary system. Our government and those in power whom have money are in the brink of destroy our country, before we aren't enlighten enough to acknowledge and do the right thing and eradicate the use of currency in our society.

So those of you who thinks this is wonderful, read and see what wonderful innovations Jacque Fresco has envisioned and make your voices heard. There's a petition on Care2 that you can sign to let those in power know that the future is now and that we need to start changing our way and start to perfect man kind and this beautiful planet Earth we live in. I understand change is difficult for those who have wealth, but to those who have nothing it's an opportunity to show the world that it can be done. Lets' strive for that future. If you're with me, make your voices heard..   Check out this website: and remember "Be Inspired."