Friday, July 6, 2012

Philip Wollen: Animals Should Be Off The Menu

            I came across a very inspirational video about a speaker Mr Philip Wollen whose compassion is unwavering. A compassion that I haven't seen in such a long time. It is an inspiring and courageous video that I would love to share with you all. For many years now, I have been an advocate for many things, from environmental, to human rights, for women rights, animal rights and etc.  This courageous  speaker was a corporate executive and is now a Philanthropists from Australia and my hero. His name is Philip Wollen who participated in a debate this past spring to address the horrendous suffering  and abuse animals endure before they end up on our plates. He also has a charity called the Winsome Constance Kindness Trust  where he speaks and spends his money to further animal rights and human rights. When I talk about Inspirational, let me tell you that this is an inspiring and powerful speech that addresses the conditions of animal suffering  and the lack of compassion that we humans have lost and  had lost for a long time now. Mr. Philip Wollen speaks articulately about animals and how they should be taken off the menu. Please take a few moment of your time and be inspired.

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