Thursday, December 27, 2012

What the F****k is wrong with the World


"Is this the world you want, destruction and  mayhem"

 I can't believe that the governments of the world are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats that think that the world is theirs to play with and treat it like its there personal back yard. The population of the w world needs to gets some balls and do something about what is going on. It's our world too! Why must we wait and see what our government is going to do about the fucking fiscal cliff? Maybe government isn't worth it, because no matter what we the people say, we are just ignored. I can't believe that the Republican Boehner isn't worried about what is going to happen.  This is the same tactics they used 4 years ago when Obama was first elected. This is a tactic the Republican use to convince Obama to do what they want him to do. I'm betting that Obama will give in only because he will not want the people  of the United States taxes  to go up. It is a shame that the Republicans arms are being twisted by an outside entity and preventing them from doing the right thing and what's even funnier is that grown men and women don't have their own minds to do what needs to  be done, not for themselves but for all American people and the country. To many self-interest entities are disrupting progress because of racism, prejudice, greed and power. Now  the  power that they are trying to hold on to is waning slowly, but surely. People of America are loosing faith in our government and those we elected. When they ignore the people they are only ignoring their current situation. The American people are aware of what is going on and I hope they ban together and let those disrupting our way of life just so that they rich can keep their millions on the backs of the American middle class and those unfortunates that are even poorer. We are Americans why are our people poor? I  bet if Obama was Caucasian he wouldn't be having these obstacles. I am appalled and embarrassed that we are still small minded. We humans are destroying  our world and we care more for money and power than the existence of our  worlds welfare. Our planet is being sacrifices for monetary gains and is being focused more on obtaining currency and power to that of our existence, the welfare of our world, and all of its inhabitants then there is something to be said about the current system. I'm sorry to say that this is going to get worse. We need to grow and think of our planet and  the welfare of our people, wildlife and oceans. We the people need to work together for once in our miserable lives to perfect ourselves and each other. End hunger, Without these crucial and critical parts of our world, we will  succumbed to the worst calamity the world has ever seen in the 21st century.
This  is the world and how it should be a PARADISE!

We  need to ban together all  of us in t he United States from all corners of our country and fight for the rights of human beings, animals  life and environments causes. Sacrificing our world is not the answer to  progress. There are self-interest groups that are trying to drill in places  where it is protected. They promise that  they will protect our environment in the process and instead they've done the opposite where those so called places have been devastated by the drilling  and etc. But then the government gives these self-interest terrorist the thumbs  up to continue their destruction. When will we the people learn that money isn't the answer to a well developed world. Why is it so hard for people to see this and make a stand and change the way we are living. We have a paradise and we are destroying it. I  am so sick of hearing our government cutting wilderness protection,  animal protection and violating every last law that;s been implemented to protect. It is fucked  up that those who pass the laws are the ones violating them and get away with it. But us the little people are sent to jail for violating legislation. 

For many years corruption has continued to become a norm that with time has been for so long accepted and ignored. Now that people are being self-aware of what is  going on due to social media and the  Internet we have become proactive in what goes on in the world. Things that worked 40 or so  years  isn't working now. Holding on to  the past isn't the way to go. We need new and younger generation to take over and do what is necessary to protect our world. We need to ideas, new minds in our government.

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